23 - 24 - 25 June 2021 Université Paris 8 The cycle of research-creation workshops RobotAct - Human-Robot Co-creations that will take place between June 2021 and January 2022 aims at exploring the relational and theatrical potential, as well as the limits of the robotic device on stage. The workshops will be led by the EUR ArTeC project team "Stage and Robotics: interactions and interrelationships" in collaboration with artists, students and young researchers from different disciplines and will each focus on distinct research questions such as: the behavior of animated anthropomorphic body/human body; the quality of gesture and movement; time management the quality of gesture and movement; the management of time and the articulation of the temporalities of the human actor and the machine. This research-creation work will be conducted in order to design and develop socio-cognitive loops - perception-decision interactive perception-decision-action loops - that can be evaluated through observation protocols and multimodal multimodal metrics of engagement of both the agents on stage and the spectators. This first workshop brings together several objectives: 1. to explore the possibilities and dramaturgical issues of
Each robotic platform has limits and points of strength, allowing distinct forms of expression. of expression. During this first meeting, an introduction to programming with visual programming with visual languages, notably Scratch and Choreography, which will make robots accessible to accessible to novices and experts alike.